Inside Out Academy
Cultivating Minds to Harvest Bright Futures
Who We Are
Children are the seeds of hope for our tomorrow.  We believe in the power that they hold, and know that they will mold future generations to come. At Inside Out Academy, we are here to give them the support they need in order to shape them into leaders of the future. We are committed to engaging them in activities that build communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity skills. We seek to develop partnerships with community agencies, organizations, and schools to provide resources for prevention of social issues such as bullying, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, discrimination, economic deprivation, financial illiteracy, and obesity. Donate today, and see how you can make an impact!
We are Seeking Sponsors
Invest in the Future
At Inside Out Academy, we care about our youth and strive to provide them with all the resources they need in order to become successful leaders in their homes, schools, and communities. Below is a list of some of the projects we have completed since 2020.
Beyond the Books Personal Hygiene Supply Distribution
Gun Violence Awareness Parade
Oh the Places You'll Go Career Exploration Camp
After School Tutoring in Partnership with Americorps
Balls Up Guns DOWN
Gun Violence Survivor Brunch
Gun Violence Awareness Walk
Family Movie Night
The Power in Me Middle School Conference
Teacher Appreciation Contributions
Virtual STEM Camp
Back to School Hair Cuts
Striking Up Conversations with Boys and Men
Brotherhood Resources and Opportunities
Kylan Barfield "Big Brother" Scholarship
We are committed to empowering today’s youth to be the leaders of tomorrow - and couldn’t have gotten this far without your generous contributions. Donate today, and make the biggest impact on the lives of our community’s youth.